Get ready for high flying canines with super-sized splashes! BreyerFest is proud to host the Splash Dogs Eastern Regional Championships! Splash Dog competitions attract the best and farthest flying dock docking dogs from across the country! Dog dock diving is one of the most exciting new sports for handlers and their dogs! Pets compete for distance, diving from a dock into a 40 ft pool surrounded by cheering fans. Check out the trials on Friday and Saturday or see the best of the best during Sunday's Finals!
Registration with Splash Dogs is required for participation. Registration will open approximately 60 days prior to BreyerFest. Competitors can pre-register at or at the event. All competitors and guests must be BreyerFest ticket holders to enter the Park.
New to dock-diving? Think your pooch might want to give it a try? Find more information for Newcomers here.