Saturday July 29, 2000: Day 4 - Equilith Awards
It's been raining (lightly) all day today. Of course, the Peter Stone breakfast and Equilith Awards were this morning, so (since it was indoors) that was a good way to stay dry. Here's Peter talking (more crummy resolution from my camera though). The horse to his left is one of the Equilith award trophy models - sorta resembles Tiger's Eye except he's got a cream-colored base rather than golden.
Peter said he knew they were having some production problems (so many SR's that the regular line was behind), and that there's just been so much demand that they can't keep up. He didn't talk much about solutions to that problem though.
He did say they're coming out with 4 new molds soon - a flat-shod TWH; a trotting pony (he showed us a picture, though I couldn't tell what breed it was), a barb (I think), and a "Charlie Russell" horse (whatever that is).
In addition to the Tiger's Eye, breakfast attendees were allowed to order one "Birthday Horse", a 90-pc SR of a metallic gold arab with 3/4" white stars spiraling around his body.
Here are the Equilith Award winners. I missed a few names, and probably have misspelled a few too... please email me if you spot typos.
Set in Stone
"Uncle Fatty Fester", owned by Maggie Schneider
Rolling Stone
"Flashpoint", owned by Becky Wilgis. This is a resculpted Breyer Gem Twist
"Picasso", by Jennifer Timm. Rose dapple grey Paso Fino
Heart of Stone
People's Choice Award
"MN Expensive Property", owned by Michelle Dye
Chip Off The Ol' Block
"??", owned by Michelle Dye. Foal by Lynn Fraley
"Ari" (sp?), by Lesli Kathman
The Milestone Award, given by fellow hobbyists to an artist for lifetime achievement recognition, went to D'Arry Jone Frank.
The Megalith Award was randomly drawn from all of the previous winners, and was won by Michelle Dye.
Someone wrote and asked me about the Carpe Diem finalists. Here's a pic of the finalists in the adult contest.
And here's the pic of the children's contest finalists.
Several people wrote about these lovely carriages done by Reaves J. Armstrong. Here's a close-up of one. These are entirely hand-made... even the wheels are handmade. The detail is really stunning. From his flyer: "All feature 16-spoke wheels and functional details such as doors, compartment lids, suspension, and steering." They're not cheap - prices range from $280 (buckboard) to $510 (ice wagon) and various prices in between. The scale is 1:12, suitable for classic sized horses or small traditionals. To contact the artist, you can e-mail him at
I picked up a BreyerFest Auction list - click here to view it. I'll post the final bids and hopefully more pictures tonight after the auction.
-- J. Kira Hamilton (
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