I didn't buy any auction horses this year; none of them really caught my eye. I do notice that people paid a lot more for these this year than in years past - last year's auction average was $871 - this year that average soared to $1159.
Glossy Gold Charm Zippo Pine Bar - $1850
Bay Pinto Big Ben - $1100
Fleabit Grey Roy Belgian - $600
Brindle Mule - $550
Buckskin Pinto PAS - $1325
Wedgewood Blue Kelso - $1000
Palomino Blanket App Shetland Pony - $750
Bay Leopard Amber - $600
Bay Snowflake Appaloosa Indian Pony - $2100
Perlino QH - $600
Resin Prototype NSH by Sommer Prosser - $650
Full Auction Results
- Red Dun Misty - $450
- (not offered)
- Glossy Gold Charm Zippo Pine Bar - $1850
- Bay Pinto Big Ben - $1100
- Fleabitten Grey Roy Belgian - $600
- Brindle Striped Brown Mule - $550
- Buckskin Pinto PAS - $1325
- Peppercorn Rose Grey Boxer - $400
- Wedgewood Blue Kelso - $1000
- Pumpkin Sorrel Missouri Fox Trotter - $1250
- Palomino Blanket App Shetland Pony - $750
- "Ransom", Glossy Gold Charm Pinto San Domingo (Raffle Model) - $1800
- Bay Leopard Amber - $600
- Bay Snowflake App Indian Pony - $2100
- Grey Roan Blanket App Lady Phase - $1850
- Perlino QH w/ blue eyes - $600
- Old Style Red Roan Cantering Welsh Pony - $1550
- Resin Prototype NSH painted by Sommer Prosser - $650
- Christmas Horse to match Breyer Holiday Stirrup Ornament (also included). Dusty Chestnut Friesian - $900
- "Zeppelin" - Chestnut Leopard Zippo Pine Bar (1/50) - $900
- Black Blanket Appaloosa Scamper - $750
- Glossy Dusty Brown/Grey Walking Angus - $725
- Metallic Palomino Sherman Morgan - $2750
- Wedgewood Blue Amber and GLossy Gold Charm Ashley Tour Raffle Set - $1500
- Chestnut Touch of Class, "Eros" prototype - $700
- Mystical Rainbow Huckleberry Bey - $2300
- Dark Chestnut Clydesdale Stallion - $750
- Rose Grey Fighting Stallion - $1600
Total: $31,300
Average: $1159.26