
Kira's BreyerFest Page

BreyerFest® is an annual model horse exposition usually held at the Kentucky Horse Park in July in Lexington, Kentucky. Hosted by Breyer, BreyerFest is the biggest model horse event of the year. Thousands of model collectors, artists, and exhibitors converge on the horse park and the host hotel (the Clarion Hotel Lexington North) for nearly a week of model horse related events.

BreyerFest 2021: Horse of a Different Color

This year's BreyerFest is online only; no events are being held at the horse park this year.

Visit the Official BreyerFest Page for the latest info.

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Android & Web App

Past BreyerFests:

1998 - 1999 - 2000 - 2001 - 2002 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019

Find more BreyerFest photos on: Flickr * Pinterest * Instagram

BreyerFest Special Run Models

Every year, Breyer Models offers a handful of limited edition "special run" models for purchase by BreyerFest attendees. Most of the special runs are limited to between 700 and 2000 models, although some are produced in smaller numbers. There are also the one-of-a-kind "Test Run" models offered at the BreyerFest Auction.

If you missed BreyerFest, or just want to pick up one of these special runs for your own collection, the best way to find them is on eBay. Here are some of the current listings: